Archive for May 2012

5 Reasons Why Safety Takes a Back Seat in Industries

Workplaces in India are accidents in the making. Except a few multinational factories and installations - most local companies have appallingly low standards of safety. The reasons for this are many fold, but a lot has to do with the way workplace safety is looked at in India. So here are the five most important reasons why any one from outside India should be wary of working in an Indian organisation on a long term basis.

1. Safety is for the weak and the stupid: This is the foremost attitude problem in India as regards safety. The common refrain heard from many a worker in India is - "I am not stupid that I need a hard hat / safety shoe." Or another common refrain is - "... the brave don't need protection!..." With such prevailing attitudes it is not difficult to understand why a safe work place is not a particularly desirable work place in India!

2. Safety cannot affect our bottom-line: Yes, you heard it right. Thats the attitude of higher management in most Indian small and medium industries. If buying a pair of safety gloves for every worker amounts to a substantial cost - then such buying will be postponed, haggled upon, differed indefinitely and in general treated in such a fashion that it eventually never happens! Buying substantial things for the interest of safety is the joke that the Indian managers laugh at - after a few drinks at the bar.

3. Safe work ethics encourage low productivity: Some multinationals operating in India have imposed safe driving habits among their staff. One of the more contentious ones is the requirement of adequate sleep between very long drives. However the Indian managers think that such rules make way for laziness. The general feeling is the safety is an excuse used by workers to refuse to work! Needless to say most workers hesitate to bring up hazard issues - in the fear that they will looked upon as lazy workers.

4. The post of a safety officer should go to the most useless manager: Yes thats right! In Indian industries the most un-qualified, useless people become safety officers. That is because a safety officer is a burden on the bottom line. He is a non-productive asset, someone to be avoided and generally overlooked. So if top management does not like some one - they make him the safety officer.
5. Accident investigations are done by the police: Indian industries do not believe in investigating past accidents to learn lessons. Instead - in the case of a really bad accident ( a few deaths would qualify as a bad one), the police are called upon to investigate. In such a situation the company fabricates,lies and tells tall stories to explain away the accident. The idea is to cover up the holes so nobody can be blamed. Needless to say a lot of the police officers are already "bought" - and are on payrolls of top management. The loser is the poor worker and his family. They lose everything - every time!

So if you are desirous of working in an Indian firm - choose desk jobs. Keep in mind that safe working conditions are not among the top priorities for the top management! Safety often takes a back seat to money-making, which in the end makes it a hazard to work in Indian industries.

Surajit Ray is an avid art and handicraft enthusiast. He works with rural and indigenous artists from various parts of India. He likes creating customized art pieces for discerning buyers.
Surajit is also interested in coding in Java and for the Android platform. His main interests are in the realm of machine learning and simulated neural networks. He is a strong supporter of the open source software concept and works with the various open source groups in Delhi, India.
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Auto Insurance - Major Categories of Coverage

In every state of the United States and many foreign countries, at least some level of auto insurances is required of all automobile drivers. Amounts of minimum coverage are somewhat different in each state. Automobile insurance policies are purchased to protect vehicles against damages or injury due to another party in an automobile accident. There are two main categories of insurance for automobiles.

Comprehensive Insurance
 Comprehensive insurance policies cover all types of damage to automobiles other than those caused by collisions while driving the automobile. Examples include trees falling on the vehicle, theft, fires, floods, animal damage or vandalism. Comprehensive insurance usually is optional and many motorists drop comprehensive coverage for older cars.

Liability Insurance
When you cause damage to other individuals or vehicles, you are considered to be liable to pay for repairs or treatment. Liability insurance doesn't cover you, passengers in your vehicle or your own automobile.
Property damage liability is one of two types of liability usually considered minimum required coverage for automobiles in most states. It pays for property damage caused by your vehicle to other vehicles, buildings, trees or fences during an accident.

Liability for bodily injury to others is the second major type of liability insurance coverage. When another party is injured during an accident deemed to be your fault. It covers payments for medical bills, loss of income or pain and suffering. Bodily injury liability coverage doesn't extend to people on your own insurance policy who may be injured in an accident.

The type of auto insurances that are appropriate for you will depend upon many factors. You should consider your location, state legal minimums, age and condition of your vehicles, authorized drivers and the type and amount of driving that you do. The cost of your insurance will depend upon the above factors and upon the amount of deductible that you are prepared to pay in the event of an accident.
In every state of the United States and many foreign countries, at least some level of auto insurances is required of all automobile drivers. More info on this as well as auto insurance for teens, a click away!
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Do You Know Why Your Car Insurance is So High?

When it comes to car insurance, you may wonder why in the world your premiums went up again. It's not rocket science, but there are several factors that can cause an increase in your rates. Don't despair, though. There are some things you can do to get your rates lower and most of them aren't difficult to implement at all.

Your Driving Record: Good or Bad?
Even one ticket for speeding can raise your car insurance rates for up to five years! Add in the fines and court costs and it doesn't take long to realize that speeding reaches a lot farther than just dealing with the police officer. Keep your speed within the limits and let those tickets fall off your record. You'll see lower rates and it's safer, too!

Your Zip Code
Believe it or not, where you live also affects your premiums. Those that live in an urban area will pay more for their insurance than those that live in the country. The risk of an accident is higher, as is the chance of theft or vandalism. While you may not be willing to move to get a lower premium, you can get a discount by garaging your car, especially in those areas with a high crime rate.

Your Household Drivers
In most states, you are required to list all people who are ages sixteen and above and have a valid driver's license on your policy. If you have someone who has a rotten driving history living with you, then your insurance rates will be higher. In other states, you may be able to leave this type of driver off your policy and require them to get their own. If possible, this is the best option since it will save you quite a bit of money on your premiums.

Whether You Kept Continuous Coverage
Many people let their coverage lapse because of financial difficulties. However, you will end up paying more when you do get car insurance. Most companies have higher premiums for people who have not carried continuous coverage for at least six months.

A Final Thought or Two
It's illegal in all fifty states to drive without liability insurance. The fines are stiff and you could lose your driving privileges for up to a year. If you don't have coverage on your vehicle, it's best to leave it in the driveway until you are able to get it.

Finally! One place for all the information you need on cheap car insurance for young drivers. It's hard enough to make ends meet without having to pay extra for a teen driver. You can find the right coverage for your budget! Get cheap young drivers car insurance today!
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Use These Tips to Keep Your Auto Insurance Bill Low

On the one hand, car insurance can pay for repairs to your vehicle in the event of an accident. On the other hand, car insurance protects you from liability in the event of a crash that is your fault. This liability coverage is particularly important if the crash results in injury to the other driver or one of the passengers. In many ways this liability protection is even more important than protection to your vehicle, since the dollar amounts involved can be much higher.

Know Your Needs
It is important, therefore, to determine your own insurance needs before you go shopping. The only way you will know whether or not you are getting a great deal is to know exactly what you need. Once you determine the level of liability coverage and property damage protection you need you will be able to evaluate each insurance offer you receive and make an intelligent and informed decision.
The level of liability coverage you need will depend on a number of factors, including the dollar amount of assets you own. If you own your own home you will need to protect your property with solid liability insurance. And if you own additional assets they will need protection as well.

Money Saving Tips
Protecting your car and everything else you own can be an expensive proposition, but there are some ways you can trim your costs without sacrificing the liability coverage you need. One way to protect your pocketbook as well as your car is to take advantage of any discounts to which you may be entitled. For instance, many insurance companies provide discounts for things that protect your car, including car alarms, anti-theft devices and airbags. In addition you may be entitled to discounts based on your superior driving record, as well as discounts for defensive driving courses and other ongoing driver training.
You may also be entitled to discounts if you keep your vehicle in the garage at night, or if your commute is a short one. It is always a good idea to ask the representative you speak to about any and all available discounts. If you do not ask about available discounts you may not get them.

Taking the limited tort option can also save you a lot of money, but it is important to understand the tradeoffs. Many states have instituted limited tort options for car insurance in an attempt to keep rates low and reduce the number of frivolous lawsuits. Choosing limited tort can save you money, but it will also limit your options in the event of a serious injury. Depending on the setup for your state, you may not be able to recover money fro pain and suffering, and your ability to sue the other driver may be limited as well. As with so many things in life, it is important to weigh your savings against the additional risk posed by the limited tort option.

Getting the lowest rate on the car insurance you need is not always easy, but by knowing what to look for you can increase the odds that you will get the best possible policy at the lowest possible price. Changing insurance companies can be a real hassle, so it is important to do your homework and make sure you truly have the best deal before signing on the dotted line.

Find Low Cost Insurance Today!
Compare Quotes on Car Insurance and Save over 500.00 a Year!
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Jet Skis, Row Boats and Kayaks - Included in Boating Accidents - Know Your Right

About two-thirds or roughly 71% of earth is made of water. It is therefore not a surprising fact that most people, at some point in their lives, have experienced riding a boat, a yacht or a ship. With this experience, however, comes the possibility of getting involved in a boat accident.
Boating accidents can be divided into two groups - those involving recreational vehicles and those involving merchant seamen. In 2005, 3,500 accidents have been reported by the US Coast Guard with costs amounting to 39 million dollars. The reasons for this boat accidents range from carelessness, operator inattentiveness, excessive speed, and operator inexperience. There have also been cases of boat accidents resulting from boating under the influence of drugs or alcohol. An average of 714 boaters dies each year with 508 of them due to drowning. Based on statistic, Florida, since it has access to a greater number of bodies of water, has the highest incidence of boat accident with the state of California trailing behind.
Each state has its own rules when it comes to boat accident. For example, in the state of Arizona, anyone involved in a boating accident are required to give assistance so long as it will not endanger the lives of the operator, passengers, or vessels involved. Aside from this, a report should be submitted to the Arizona Game and Fish Department within 48 hours if the accident has resulted in death. Fines and possible jail time are also prescribed for people driving boats in Arizona while under the influence. The same is true for boat accidents occurring in the state of Florida - it is unlawful for any person operating a vessel involved in a boating accident to leave the scene without extending any form of help and without making a report of the accident to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission.
If you find yourself a victim of a boating accident involving a recreational water vehicle such as a jet ski, a row boat or a kayak, your first move should be to have yourself thoroughly examined by a qualified doctor. Make sure that you keep records of all the results. Try to jot down as much information as you can remember. Do not forget also to get the name, address, phone number, and insurance carrier of the other party. You would need these pieces of information when making claims. It is also recommended that you get in touch with a personal injury lawyer who has a proven track record in working cases similar to yours.
On the other hand, if you get involved in a boating accident as a merchant seaman, you should get in touch with Jones Act lawyer. The Jones Act protects the rights of seamen and allows them to obtain damages from their employers for negligence of the ship owner, the captain, and even fellow crew members. A Jones Act lawyer would be able to help you decide whether you can make a claim or not.
Washington boat accident injury attorney would prove to be just what you need should you get involved in a boat accident while you are in the said state. If you want, you can even have a Seattle boat accident injury attorney to handle your case so that you can be sure that he or she knows the specific city ordinances as well as state laws when it comes to your case.

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Car Insurance - Your Path to Peace of Mind

Everyone knows that financial stability is an important part of life. When your finances are not in order, you will usually feel totally uneasy and unable to rest properly. If you have all the money you need for your bills, your stress levels will usually be greatly reduced. Arguably one of the worst things that can happen to a person, is to have an unexpected expense come up, or to lose a valuable asset.

This is why it is imperative to have sufficient car insurance cover. When you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, you will usually be faced with some devastating consequences. Firstly, you or your family members could be injured. This in itself is something grievous to have to cope with. If you have car insurance coverage that reaches into a payout for injuries sustained during a motor vehicle accident, you will have a lot less stress to deal with. You will have the peace of mind in knowing that all your medical expenses will be covered, and you will only have to focus on you, or your loved ones, getting better. Furthermore, you can take out auto insurance coverage that will reach into paying out for the injuries sustained to other parties, if the accident was your fault. There can be nothing worse than knowing that you have caused physical pain to another family, and not being able to afford to compensate these people can cause a domino effect of problems for you later on, not to mention the emotional pain that will be caused.

Without the sufficient car insurance coverage, you could find yourself involved in a motor vehicle accident, and then promptly find that you are suddenly without a motor vehicle. If you do not have car insurance at all, you will have to somehow come up with the money for the repairs of your vehicle. Keep in mind that the repair to a vehicle for even minor damage can cost thousands and thousands, the kind of money that people do not usually have lying around on hand. This is only to say if your car is able to be repaired. In a lot of cases, the car will be completely written off, meaning that it needs to be replaced. If you do not have any cover, you will have to somehow find money to buy a whole new car, which can cause devastating effects on your finances if you were still paying off the old one that was crashed! If you have car insurance, none of this will be a problem. Depending on the range of your coverage, you could even be lent a hired car by your insurance company, one which you can use until your car has either been repaired or replaced.

In conclusion, it is easy to see why it is imperative for your peace of mind that you have sufficient car insurance coverage at all times. Regardless of your financial situation, and whether you believe you can afford car insurance, it is so important that you have it in the first place, as an accident will land up costing you far more than the monthly premiums. Dealing with a traumatic event such as a collision is so much easier when you do not have to worry about the financial aspects of it.

To obtain the most competitive of car insurance quotes visit
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Simple Steps to Help Your Car Accident Lawyer Assemble a Strong Court Case

When you're in a car accident, whether it's minor or serious, you need to stay calm and get some information so that your accident lawyer can build a strong case for you. For starters, you'll need to get information from each person at the accident site. You may think this means the person you were in the accident with but they are not the only ones. You'll also need to get information from police officers on the scene and witnesses who saw the accident. Make sure you know where you to get a copy of the accident report. The police officer will give you this information.
As soon as you get a moment, write down all the details of the accident. As you get further away from the incident, you're likely to forget bits and pieces of it. When you have it written down fresh, you're getting a more accurate account of the event. Be sure you note the time and day, what position your vehicle was facing and any other issues such as bad weather; anything that might have contributed to the accident could be worth jotting down.
Draw an accident scene diagram for the car accident lawyer. You don't need to be an artist; just quickly jot down the scene. Do the best job you can to recreate the scene where the accident happened including where your vehicle was at and other vehicles that were nearby. The drawing you do, while everything is fresh in your mind, helps your attorney get a better understanding of the accident scene.
When you're doing the diagrams, draw it out three before the accident, another during the accident and the third one after the accident. Make sure you note skid marks including where they were and what direction they went. It's always best to have a camera on you (many people have cell phones with cameras) so that you can take pictures of the accident scene and any skid marks.
Above all else, you should never admit fault nor should you offer the other party to pay for damages. You may think you're at fault but be sure you speak with a car accident lawyer before admitting that you're at fault. Now, if a police officer gives you a ticket, you need to sign it. Failing to do so can land you in jail, something you, no doubt, don't want. Signing the document does not mean you are guilty; it just means you're going to pay the fine or contest the ticket in a court of law.
Colin Daives writes general information articles about a number of legal topics that range from personal injury to criminal law. Each state has different laws and every case is unique. His articles are not meant to be legal advice. To learn more or for assistance with your case in the state of Colorado, contact a Denver personal injury attorney or Denver injury lawyer today.

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Accident Compensation Claims: Beneficial to Virtually All

Life is a series of events that undergoes certain kinds of accidents causing mentally, physically and property damage to the victim. Ultimately, the victim suffers huge financial loss followed by the damage in an accident (of any kind). Under such circumstances, the victim is legally authorized to demand compensation claims from the accused party. That means to say, the law gives you a right to demand compensation claim against any accidents like auto accident, medical accident or accident at work from the third party responsible for your property or physical damage. The article is highlighting some of the main accidents and your legal right to demand for compensation against them.

Accident car claim is the kind of claim against the third party that has caused you property and physical damage followed by the car accident. Under such circumstances, you are legally authorized to claim for the compensation against the damage of your car as well as your physical damage (if any). One of the most common injuries experienced by a car accident is whiplash injury (hyperextension (over-extension) injury to the neck) that usually happens when someone hits your car from behind causing bolt of pains to your cervical areas. In that case, you have a legal right to demand whiplash claim as car accident compensation against the accused driver.
You can also claim for compensation against the doctor at certain clinic, if one of your relatives or family members experienced damage due to clinical negligence or medical laxity. The clinical negligence claims will entitle you demand for compensation against the clinical negligence shown by the concerned medical specialist who treated your family member or relative during the course of medical treatment.

A claim for compensation can also be demanded in the case, if any person, working in an industry experiences certain physical damage due to disease or other environmental and security factors. Hence, the victim can demand industrial disease compensation from the concerned industry. If it is fully established that the damage claim is genuine, the court of law will sustain your claim thereby helping you avail the compensation against your damage from the industry you are working in.

If it is established that your compensation claim against the third party is genuine and reasonable with evidence, then you are entitled to avail the compensation against the damage from the court of law. More importantly, your compensation claim will be well dealt with by hiring a solicitor, especially 'no win no fee solicitor'. 'No win no fee solicitors won't charge you money for fighting your claim, if they lose your case in the court of law.

The solicitors are legal expert to help you gain your compensation claim faster. Since, legal compensation claim against any injury involves time-consuming legal formalities and their fulfillment, hiring solicitor like whiplash solicitor will be crucial to avail compensation against car accident. This goes same with other compensation claims in which the victim has undergone from moderate to extreme physical/property loss/damage. Therefore, if you experience any kind of accident, be it medical, auto or industry accident, don't forget to hire a solicitor like no win no fee solicitor that will facilitate your compensation claim in the court of law.

K Morrisroe is the author of this article on Car Accident Claim.
Find more information on Car Accident Claims here.
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Car Finance Company Basics

Purchasing a new vehicle requires more than just deciding what type of car to buy and how much to pay. Unless you have a lot of cash saved and can buy the car upfront, you will have to decide upon some type of financing.

Before choosing a car finance company, you will want to compare prices and rates. While it is convenient to have the car dealership set up your loan and payment plan, in most cases this is not the best option. A dealer will submit your credit information to several lenders but this does not mean you are getting the best deal. A car dealerships first priority is to make money and they will pick the lender that offers them the best commission. However, their commission is based on the interest rate that you are charged.

Car dealerships have business relationships with banks, credit unions, and other types of finance companies. The finance company allows the dealership to increase the amount of your interest rate. The extra amount you are charged in interest goes to the dealership in exchange for your business. The dealership makes a profit, the lender gets their original asking interest rate, and the customer ends up paying too much in interest charges.

Online Lenders Offer Low Interest Rates

Applying for a car loan online is one of the best ways to lower your interest rate. Besides having a good credit record, which all lenders will check when applying for a loan, an online loan is your best bet in obtaining a low interest rate. By applying for a loan online, you are saving the lender time and money. The savings from the cost of doing business are passed on to the customer.

Usually if you apply for your loan online, the lender will want you to sign up for an automatic payment plan. After filling out a form, your car payments will be automatically deducted from your account. This prevents the lender from having to process as much paperwork and the loan payment is always made on a specified date.

Don't Be Pressured By Salespeople

Even if you have already been pre-approved for a car loan, don't let an eager salesperson force you into making a decision. Many will use excuses to lure you into purchasing the vehicle that same day.

If they are willing to offer you a deal on a car today, chances are they will offer you a deal of equal value next week. Before you decide on a car and sign the loan papers, make sure you are happy with both the vehicle and your financing terms.

About the author:

View our recommended lenders for Car Finance Loans

Written by: Carrie Reeder

Car Finance Company Basic

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Six Ways to Ensure That Your Insurance Claim Doesn't Rip You Off

Whether you have been involved in an accident and endured the insurance claims process before or you are one of the lucky few to be accident-free, here are six key tips from insurance claims professionals to help you make sure that your claim is paid and that you get everything that you are entitled to. Some of these tips you may have heard before, though you may not have known why they are so important, and others are true insider tips.

1. At the scene, try to stay calm, and take pictures of everything. No, not everyone hauls a camera around with them wherever they go, but almost everyone has a cell phone and most of them take pictures that will do just fine. Take pictures of the cars, the scene, the roadway, any sight obstructions, the other driver and even their passengers if they have any. Do this whether the accident was the other driver's fault or yours. It preserves evidence and prevents fraud. You may need those pictures later to prove who was at fault, as well as who was involved in the accident and who was not. This is just as important as obtaining the other person's information since a good photograph of a license plate proves involvement and a simple tag trace provides a wealth of information.

2. Call the police. Do this no matter how nice the other driver seems to be at the scene; things could change later. People aren't so willing to admit blame when they realize the impact it might have on their insurance rates. Don't let minor damage deter you either; you cannot see through your bumper or any other part for that matter to see what damage may be there underneath. The police will write a report even on seemingly minor accidents and that report also preserves evidence. At the very least, there will be a record of your call.

3. Report the accident to your insurance company immediately no matter who appears to be at fault. Even if the other driver admits that he caused the accident there at the scene, he may change his mind later. You pay your insurance premium; let your company work for you as your advocate. If you were at fault, you want your insurance company involved as soon as possible so that things don't get out of control. All insurance companies require that you cooperate with the investigation of an accident or risk having coverage denied for it; that includes reporting the occurrence in a timely manner.

4. Don't be in such a hurry to settle that personal injury claim. Even a small claim can be worth more if you just have patience. Just like car salesmen have monthly quotas, insurance adjusters have monthly settlement goals. Your claim may be the one they choose to put a little more money on at the end of the month just to settle it. The longer a personal injury claim remains open, the more it costs the insurance company in terms of adjuster salary and bank reserves (an insurance company needs to set aside a certain amount of money for each personal injury claim, removing that money from investment revenue opportunities). They want to settle. Some adjusters may try to tell you that they will just close the claim without payment if they don't settle or hear from within a certain time frame. The fact is that whether they close it or not, you have until the statute of limitations expires in your state to finalize your claim, and the adjuster will just have to reopen it when you are ready to settle.

5. Read everything before you sign it. It may seem tedious, but read that repair estimate line by line so that you know exactly what you are agreeing to. Even forms that the adjuster tells you are "standard" can be customized depending on how badly they want your signature; just cross out a clause that is bothersome. Medical authorizations don't need to include years of prior medical records, especially if your claim is small and/or the records are irrelevant. Settlement releases should only have wording regarding the specific portion of the claim being settled. Personal injury claim releases do not need to mention property damage, and vice versa. The same goes for those settlement checks.

6. Know your own limitations. Many people can navigate the insurance claims process themselves. However, if you are seriously injured, grieving or simply dealing with an adjuster who is unprofessional (the majority are professionals but they are human like the rest of us), it may be time to ask someone else to step in so that you can concentrate on healing, whether that be physically or emotionally. Then it is time to call on the help of a family member, friend, or even an attorney.
Faye Counts (SCLA, MBA) has over 20 years in the personal injury claims handling industry. She is a contributing writer for
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Car Accident Insurance Claims DO's and DON'Ts

After you have been in an accident, you will want to make an accident insurance claim for the damages on your vehicle and your personal injuries. Before you get in touch with your car insurance company, it is helpful to know 13 dos and don'ts to prepare your approach to taking steps after you have been in an automobile accident.

DO's and DON'Ts for Making Car Accident Insurance Claims
• DO take pictures of the scene of the accident. This includes damages on your vehicle, personal injuries, damaged property, accident site, etc.
• DO read over your auto insurance policy to understand what will be covered and what won't be covered.
• DO see if you have any other insurance that you will get more coverage out of.
• DO understand the difference between the cost of your car for replacement, what you owe on your car, and gap coverage.
• DO call your car insurance agent as soon as possible after a car accident.
• DO answer any questions asked, by your insurance company, honestly but with no elaboration.
• DO write down what you and your insurance company talked about. Be specific about key components of your car accident insurance claim.
• DO call your lawyer to make sure you are receiving a fair car accident insurance claim.
• DO save all your receipts of your purchases/expenses from your car accident.
• DON'T agree to any estimates your insurance agent gives you.
• DON'T send an agreement statement to your insurance company.
• DON'T accept checks from your insurance company.
• DON'T allow yourself or your insurance company to miss deadlines.

Contacting a Lawyer in your state
It is necessary to contact a lawyer in your area after you have been involved in a serious car accident. Since many car insurance companies will give you the minimum compensation for your accident insurance claims, your lawyer will give you valuable tips as to what to say to your car insurance company to protect your claim and increase the odds that you will be able to pursue the most out of your car accident insurance claims.
Your lawyer in will help you determine how much your car accident insurance claim is worth so you will not be blindsided by your car insurance company. He/she will also help guide you through the do's and don'ts of your car accident insurance claim.

A personal injury attorney can help guide you in the right direction.
How an Indiana Car Crash Lawyer Can Help

When you experience complications with your Indianapolis accident claim, an Indiana car crash lawyer can help you alleviate some of the stress and anxiety associated with filing an Indiana personal injury claim.
Get started by ordering a complementary copy of our book, Consumer's Guide for Injured Victims ( Next, contact an Indiana car crash lawyer at the Hensley Legal Group for a no-cost consultation - 1-888-505-8232.
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Be Prepared For Accidents and Breakdowns

However, even the best of drivers can be caught up in someone else's mistake or an unfortunate act of nature. The best thing to do is to think like a Boy Scout and be prepared.
Some of the most obvious tips to follow are the little things we should do everyday, such as making sure you wear your seat belt and buckle in the kids properly. This is a law in most states and is for our safety if an accident does occur. Make sure your side and rearview mirrors are properly adjusted, checking for possible blind spots. Be sure to USE those mirrors as often as possible. Following this tip can help prevent an accident in the first place.
There are a number of things that can be kept in the car to make things run more smoothly if you do happen to be involved in an accident. Always make sure your proof of insurance and your registration are in the glove compartment. A pen and paper is always handy to have, also. Many people carry a disposable camera at all times. A picture is your documentation and can be proof for the police or your insurance company of what actually happened in the accident.
Having an extra coat, a blanket, and an umbrella in your trunk can help protect you from inclement weather while you wait for help. Another item that would be handy to have along in the event of an accident would be a fire extinguisher. Fire is probably rare in accidents, but it does happen.
Always put on your hazard lights in the event of an accident. Many people carry a warning triangle and flares in their trunk. These are helpful if the accident is in a heavy traffic area or possibly in a blind spot to oncoming traffic, like around a curve. Flares or a triangle would be especially useful if you breakdown on an area of the road where there is no shoulder.
When you are in an accident but your car is drivable, you are responsible for minimzing damage. You should carry rope or bungee cords in the car so that you can secure any loose parts to avoid more damage while you drive the car home or to the garage.
Keeping a well maintained car, in other words, breakdown prevention, makes you and your passengers safer, you a more relaxed driver, and can save you money. It is much easier to have brakes checked on schedule and replace them when they are worn, than to pay for a brake replacement, an insurance policy deductible, and an increase in your insurance premium when the brakes fail and you have an accident.
Accidents happen often enough that it can't hurt to be prepared. It can often end up that you and the other driver are the only ones on scene. Being able to document the important details and photographically record the damages can save you money and stress.
To learn more about getting free car insurance quotes visit the free auto insurance quote page for more information and how to apply for a quote today.
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Personal accident claims- An Overview

The terminology "Personal accident" covers a wide range of injury and accident types-from sudden distortion of the neck sustained from a bike accident to a broken elbow from slipping on a terrace. It is also defined as injury to the body, mind or emotion. The terminology "personal accident claims" refers to the kind of tort lawsuit charging that the accuser's injury has been caused by the carelessness of another and the accuser need to be compensated.
- The most general category of personal accident claims are road accidents, falling accidents, accidents at home and at work, holiday accidents and etc. personal accident claims also includes medical accidents (medical negligence) along with disease cases like chest disease, occupational stress, occupational deafness, contact dermatitis and many more.
If the carelessness of another party can be testified, then the injured party can be empowered to monetary settlement.
Personal accident claims can be claimed either from an individual or from an insurance company with whom the injured person has insured.
Normally, an individual who is liable for an accident-and hence, his/her liability insurance company -must compensate for an injured person for:
- Medical charges and related expenditures.
- Deprived of salary because of time spent without working or under treatment of injuries
- everlasting physical disabilities or disfigurement
- Loss of social, educational experiences, and family including missed training or school, vacation, or a special event.
- Emotional damages like stress, depression, dilemma or tension on family relationship.
- Damaged property
- Making a personal accident claim can assure that you have the time you need to recover, beyond having to worry about your money or finances.
- Making a claim can also be an action towards restraining the injury happening to somebody else. For example, a personal accident claim made due to a car accident on a dangerous blind corner may affect in the highway agencies framing mirrors to make the corners free from harm for other drivers, consequently decreases the chance of accidents happening in the future.
In fact, for this reason alone many people do the personal accident claims, irrespective of the amount of settlement that they may receive.
- First, the situation must be notified to the police.
- The incident should be reported to your insurance company as well as doctor.
- Your doctor should check your health and address a medical report, which is required if you take the issue to the court.
- You should also, on your own, keep account of the accident. If there is any eyewitness, then you should also collect their contact numbers for further contact.
- It is better to hire a personal accident expert to take your case forward if you are determined with filling for compensation.

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Special Issues in Auto Accident Litigation by Manuel Salvacion

Special issues arise out of auto accident litigations that often make matters more difficult and complicated. In some cases, potential third parties could come up in a case to account for the injuries incurred by the accident victims. Other times, liability in an accident may fall on the manufacturer for defects found in a vehicle.
With all these things in mind, several issues must also be taken into consideration with the assistance of a professional auto accident lawyer in order to litigate a case thoroughly.

Here are several accident situations that may arise out of an ordinary auto accident case and which could affect the litigation proceedings:
* Hit-and-run accidents - These cases have the driver as the main cause of injuries due to his failure in stopping at the scene of the accident. The hit-and-run victim may encounter some difficulty in identifying or pinpointing the liable driver and therefore brings on a lawsuit.
* Car-Pedestrian accidents - These cases evolves once an automobile collides or hits a pedestrian. Often, the pedestrian victim suffers catastrophic injuries. However, they find it difficult to make claims against the liable driver since the pedestrian's conduct or actions may also be faulty.
* Car-Motorcycle accidents- Collisions between cars and motorcycles usually leave the motorcycle operator with severe injuries. This is the case although the crash may be considered relatively minor if it had been two cars colliding.
Some suggestions imply that motorcycle operators suffer from predisposition by the jury panel. They were usually blamed for causing the collision. This, even if the accident has clear indications and evidences that it was the negligence of the car driver that caused it.
* Car-Bicycle accidents - like the car-motorcycle collisions, the rider is usually left with serious injuries after being hit by a car. Some accidents also happen when car drivers accidentally open their car doors in front of a speeding bicyclist.
The car driver's arguments usually state of not seeing the bicyclist before opening his door or having misjudged the bicycle's speed. On the other hand, some bicyclists also engage in some dangerous activities while on the road. Some of the common violations involve ignoring traffic signals and riding on the wrong side of the road. These actions can lead to possible accidents.
* Accidents involving buses - The sheer mass and size of typical buses make accidents a serious matter that could attract attention. Added to this, bus passengers are most often unrestrained, causing more victims to suffer injuries.
Other car accidents, which involved special issues, also include the following:
* tractor-trailer and semi-truck accidents
* vehicle modifications involving after-market parts
* road debris accidents

Determining who is at fault in most accidents would need sufficient knowledge of local, state and federal accident laws. Apart from these, other related issues and factors may come into play which could alter the outcome of an auto accident case.

Pursuing a claim in auto accidents will require the skills and experience of a lawyer. Because of the complex nature of most accident cases, it is important to get the services of a personal injury lawyer
who specializes in auto accidents cases to help you obtain proper claims for your injuries.

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How To Go About Getting Car Accident Compensation by AA Driving School

Car Accident Compensation
Over 10,000 road accidents happen every day. Not only is property damaged, but also people receive injuries such as whiplash in these car accidents. Reporting a minor car accident to the police will usually end with damages being out of pocket expenses. Compensation can be claimed for major car accidents. Car accident compensation claims are a good way to receive money for damages done to your vehicle but it can also take care of medical bills [ car accident injury claim ] and other expenses due to the accident.

A statue of limitations will limit the amount of time you have to file your car accident compensation claim. Do not wait until too much time has passed or you will have lost out on possible money you otherwise would have been eligible for. With damages of under $5000 your case will most likely go to small claims court, in which you will not need legal representation. Anything over that amount, you will want to hire a car accident lawyer.
It is strongly recommended that a victim of a car accident meet with an attorney to file an accident claim; either with the person at fault or their auto insurance carrier. With an insurance company you will be more likely to receive full compensation. Be careful you do not use your insurance agency otherwise your rate will skyrocket. If you are not at fault, always get the other driver to pay for damages.

Car accident compensation is filed after the victim comes up with a total amount for the damages. However, injuries that occurred in the accident are often subject to further considerations which include, medical and future medical expenses, disabilities, loss of income and benefits, auto expenses (towing and car rental fees), and how long it will take for a full recovery. Once those factors are accounted for the victim will have their final car accident compensation total.

Damages are categorized into economic and non-economic. Any expenses that have come out of the victims pocket are categorized as economic. Non-economic damages include any pain and suffering caused by the accident. Both can be rewarded to a car accident victim.

If someone sues you for compensation, do not panic. Contact your insurance agent, who with then set up your legal representation and will file the claim for you. Remember, the victim has to prove they deserve the amount that they are asking for. If you are at fault, anything over than what your insurance policy covers you will have to seek your own accident lawyer.

Accident lawyer, car accident, accident claim, accident, road accidents, car accident claim, car accident lawyer, compensation claims, car accident injury claim, car accident lawyer

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Car Accident Lawsuits - Ten Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Case

When involved in an auto accident lawsuit, your day-to-day activities will be scrutinized by insurance adjusters and defense attorneys looking for proof that your injuries are not severe or life-altering enough to recover damages. The following are ten common mistakes victims make that can harm their car accident case.
1. Underestimating insurance companies:
Expect that your auto insurance company and at-fault driver's insurance company will conduct surveillance and hire investigators to take photos and videos of you at some point during your case. If you have tried to do a task, admit you've tried it. Most people will understand if you had a good day, and attempted to do something. But no one understands when an auto accident victim denies something that is later caught on surveillance video.
2. Signing away your rights:
Do NOT sign ANYTHING until you check with your auto accident lawyer. Even seemingly innocent papers such as car damage (mini-tort) releases sometimes have fine print waiving future injury claims or allowing an at-fault insurance company to access your medical records and violate your privacy. Always check with your car accident lawyer first.
3. Talking about your case:
Insurance adjusters, defense lawyers, and sometimes jurors may try one day to contact you. Do NOT talk about your case with ANYONE hired by the at-fault driver or insurance company. If an adjuster wants to ask about your case, have them call your car accident lawyer.
4. Divulging information on Facebook, Twitter and other online forums:
Defense attorneys and insurance adjusters will investigate your MySpace, Facebook and related Web pages, blogs or Twitter accounts - even when set as 'Private' - and look for things that can help their case against you. The purpose of this Internet research is to attempt to show that you are not as injured as you claim. So be careful about postings and photos of your activities. Avoid posting new items and remove any items that can be used to discredit you. One example is a truck accident victim who posted pictures of himself skiing on Facebook. Even though the activity occurred before the accident, the mere accusation of fraud by defense lawyers can have an affect on suspicious jurors.
5. Missing doctor appointments:
Do not miss doctor's appointments. Not going to the doctor may be interpreted as a sign that you are not hurt, or don't take your case seriously. Listen to your doctors, and follow their advice. It's very important for you to show that you're working hard to recover, and keeping appointments is an important part of that.
6. Disposing of important evidence of your injuries:
Save all pill bottles, casts, braces, prescriptions and any other items from your doctors. These will be used to prove you are truly injured.
7. Forgetting to document your injuries:
Anytime you have a surgery or a visible injury, take pictures. Or contact your auto accident lawyer and he will send a photographer to document your injuries before it's too late. Videos are also great tools to show a jury or an insurance company adjuster just how difficult things have been in the days and weeks following your personal injury or after a surgery. In addition, take pictures of car damage. Crash repair estimates are often misleading and don't reflect the full amount of vehicle damage.
8. Renewing licenses:
Defense attorneys and their investigators can easily obtain access to commercial driver license (CDL) information from the secretary of state, as well as hunting and fishing license information from the Department of Natural Resources. If you have serious injuries that prevent you from driving a commercial vehicle and/or participating in outdoor activities, do not renew those licenses until you speak with your lawyer first. Evidence showing that you renewed one of these licenses while recovering from your accident may convince a jury your injuries are not as severe as stated.
9. Failing to notify your attorney about job changes and moving:
Anything after your auto accident regarding changes in your job, job duties and salary is very important to discuss with your attorney. Notify your attorney if you are moving, if you have been put on further restrictions at work or have to miss more work due to your personal injuries. The more informed your lawyer is about how your injuries are affecting your job and your life, the better he can work towards obtaining fair compensation for you.
10. Poor communication:
The best way to avoid mistakes in a lawsuit is to maintain excellent communication with your car accident lawyer. There are so many confusing laws that can wreak havoc on an automobile accident case, even when people are trying to be truthful, honest and do the right thing.
The best advice remains the simplest: Call your car accident lawyer if you have a question, and certainly before doing something that can have an important impact on your case.
For more information on auto accidents, visit the Car Accident Legal Resource Center where you'll find helpful information on dealing with insurance companies, documenting injuries, FAQs and what to do following an accident.
Steve Gursten is recognized as one of the nations top experts in serious car and truck accident injury cases and automobile insurance no-fault litigation. Steve has received the largest jury verdict for an automobile accident case in Michigan in four of the past seven years, including 2008. Steve is a partner in Michigan Auto Law, the largest law firm exclusively handling Michigan car, truck and motorcycle accident cases throughout the entire state.

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How to Make Motorbike Accident Claims

Motorbike rides can be very pleasant but still it proves to be a dangerous mode of transport followed by many in this world. Due to its economical and time saving advantages, motorbike transport attracts many people. Though its advantages are numbered in many, the risk of accidents and injuries caused because of driving a motorbike is not less in numbers either. The passion and love shown towards motorbike by people have paved way for motorbike accident claims.
A person is entitled to have a motorbike accident claim when he gets involved in a motorbike accident. But for making a successful claim, the person claiming should not be the cause of the accident. Following are some things to be followed immediately after the accident for a successful claims process.
Check for Injuries Immediately after the accident check whether you have sustained any injuries or whiplash and if it's so call for paramedics and police. The police will obtain the evidence and witnesses details when the paramedics attend to your injuries. The paramedics report would also help you to prove your compensation claims and also help your solicitor to fight against any wrong allegations made by the third party.
If you are not seriously injured, you should obtain the details of the witnesses as they could prove vital during the course of the investigation of claim.
Take Photographs
You should take photos of the accident scene. There might be various other reasons for the accident apart from the people involved in the accident. The cause can be a pothole in the road or improper functioning of the signal or even some oil spillage in the road. Sometimes the debris of an earlier accident can also be the cause of the accident. Hence, never miss to capture the accident scene in the camera.
Try even taking picture of the skid marks caused by the accident. This would help you to prove the intensity at which the accident occurred.
Other Party Details
If you are able to catch hold of the other party involved in the accident, try and record the details of the other party such as his insurance number, insurer and his whereabouts. Also try and get a statement from the other party regarding the cause of the accident. If the other party is totally responsible for the accident make the other party to witness the accident cause to the police.
Talk to your Solicitor
After the police team records a case against the other party, talk to your Solicitor to make a motorbike accident compensation claim against the other party. Submit the evidences you have gathered at the accident scene and also get the Doctor's consent for the injuries sustained. This would help the solicitor to take a decision as to on what grounds the compensation claim could be made.
Remember the more of the information you collect would help you to have the best possible chance of making a successful motorbike accident and injury compensation claim.
For claiming motorcycle accident compensation call the experts - GLP Law

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Truck Accident Lawyers - Semi Tractor Trailer Accident Attorneys

Every 16 minutes, a person is killed or sustains injuries in accidents involving 18-wheelers, tractor-trailers or semi-trucks
In 2001, 429,000 large trucks were involved in traffic crashes (both fatal and minor) in the United States:
- 4,793 were involved in fatal crashes
- 5,082 people died
- 131,000 were injured
- In 2001, there were 6,536 total crashes involving tractor-trailer trucks in Pennsylvania;154 were fatal.
In 2003, there were 58,512 total vehicle accidents involved in fatal crashes in the U.S.
- 4,669 were large trucks involved in fatal truck accidents
- Large trucks are more likely to be involved in a fatal multi-vehicle crash than are passenger vehicles.

In 2003, Texas witnessed 5040 fatal traffic accidents, of which 438 were fatal truck accidents. This number has risen from 5039 total traffic accidents and 401 fatal truck accidents for the previous year 2002. Similarly, in Pennsylvania, there were 2233 fatal traffic accidents in 2003, of which 213 were fatal truck accidents, as opposed to corresponding numbers of 2198 and 174 for the year 2002. Florida had 4432 fatal traffic accidents in 2003, with 343 of them involving trucks, which was higher than 4431 total traffic accidents for 2002 but lower than the 351 fatal truck accidents in the same period. The highest number of fatal traffic accidents happened in California, with the number being a staggering 5725 fatal auto accidents in 2003. But at 332, the number of fatal truck accidents was not the highest among all states in the US.

Trucking revenues totaled $610 billion last year and revenues are forecasted to nearly double by 2015. The majority of fatal truck accidents occur in rural areas (68 percent) during the daytime (66 percent) and on weekdays (78 percent). In 2002, the majority of large truck crashes occurred in good weather (71 percent), on dry roads (71 percent), during the daytime (75 percent), and on weekdays (88 percent).

About 27 percent of all large truck drivers involved in fatal truck accidents throughout the United States had at least one prior speeding conviction compared to 19 percent of the passenger vehicle drivers involved in fatal crashes. From 1992 to 2002, the number of large trucks involved in fatal crashes has increased by up to 10% due to driver fatigue, unsafe vehicle operation, large, unstable loads or defective equipment.
Defects contribute to the number of large truck accidents each year. Some of these defects include:
- Tires or wheels: 80 crashes
- Brake-related: 76 crashes
- Engine/Transmission: 52 crashes
- Steering Wheel: 13 crashes
About 700 heavy truck drivers and passengers in truck cabs die each year. In addition, almost 3,700 persons in cars and other passenger vehicles die annually in collisions with heavy trucks.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that in crashes involving large trucks and other vehicles, 98% of the fatalities occur to the people in passenger vehicles.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has warned groups using 15-seat passenger vans about the dangers of fully loading the vans and then putting an inexperienced driver behind the wheel. The NHTSA also stated that 15-passenger vans are large trucks and should only be driven by people with experience driving large trucks.

The FMCSA's Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) classifies a truck as large if its gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) exceeds 10,000 pounds.
The majority of fatal crashes involving tractor-trailer trucks include trucks that are pulling one trailer. A recent survey showed that 64% of fatal truck crashes had one trailer. Thirty-two percent of those involved single-unit trucks (no trailer) and fewer than 4% of the those involved multi-trailer vehicles (more than one trailer).
Nationwide Truck Accident Lawyer directory that provides listing of emi Tractor Trailer Accident Attorneys in all US states. Find attorneys and law firms in your area specializing in Truck Accident litigation and get a free case evaluation.
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18 Wheeler Accidents - The Devastating Truth

Each year, thousands of people suffer because of 18 wheeler accidents. Even for the people that survive, the future can be challenging due to costly medical care, numerous hospital visits, and permanent physical damage. The best way to deal with these tragedies is to prevent them in the first place. This article details the common causes of these accidents, provides an overview of what can be done to prevent these accidents, and gives advice about what to do if you or a loved one is affected by a semi truck accident.

Causes Of Semi Truck Accidents
With the numbers of 18 wheeler accidents increasing every year, people often assume they are due to a single cause. However, a variety of causes and factors can contribute to a vehicle mishap. The most common causes of these accidents include:
  • Drivers being fatigued from overwork or falling asleep at the wheel - a truck driver should only drive so many hours per day to avoid fatigue.
  • Drivers under the influence of drugs or alcohol - as with many general automobile accidents, DIUs often play a role in a semi truck accident.
  • Issues resulting from poor truck maintenance - accidents due to failing brakes, driving on unsafe tires, cargo not being secured, engine trouble, and mechanical failure.
  • Driver error - usually resulting from reckless driving, including road rage incidents.
  • Inexperience - inadequate training, including defensive training, or sending a driver out on the highways who doesn't have enough driving experience yet.
In addition to these accident causes, many drivers are faced with having to exceed the speed limit to meet unrealistic deadlines set by employers. The additional speed can cause a semi to lose control. Truckers also have to deal with ever expanding highway systems along with more cars and trucks being on the road that are not often conscious of the safety that should be practiced when driving alongside big rigs. The actions of another car can even cause you to be involved in a semi truck accident when a truck driver has not been adequately trained in defensive driving.

18 Wheeler Accidents Caused By Driver Negligence
One way is to curtail reckless semi drivers by pushing for tougher penalties and regulations for unsafe driving and falling asleep at the wheel. People can encourage the trucking industry to step up to avoid this kind of devastation by providing better driver training with an emphasis on safety and more effective ways for carrying cargo in an attempt to avoid the stress and devastation of 18 wheeler accidents [].

When Involved In A Semi Truck Accident
People affected by these incidents deserve help and it is crucial that they get help from a knowledgeable and qualified attorney who specializes in 18 wheeler accidents. Especially when an accident results in death or permanent physical damage, it is important that victims consult an attorney for themselves and their future, but also to put further demands upon the trucking industry to make the roads safe for others.
Christine O'Kelly is an author for Jim Adler & Associates, lawyers specializing in helping semi truck accident [] victims. They have protected the rights of those involved in 18 wheeler accidents for over a decade.
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Everyday Accident Claims

Accident claims take place everyday all over UK. There was a time when no one knew about it, but today there is not a chance. There are hundreds, if not thousands of people making an injury claim every year.
Road Accidents are the most common ones and the injury caused could be a minor, just a scratch maybe or even fatal. If you have received an injury in any kind of accident, let it be on the road, at work or even on the streets, you can claim for compensation.
Accident claims are compensation documents, which are filed by an injured victim with the hope that the party against which the claim is being made will remunerate for the injuries caused. Let it be an accident at work or a slip and fall accident.

Injury Claim Route?
The first thing that you should do is seek specialist help. The first is research as you are doing right now by reading this page. Have the firm's personal injury solicitor take care of your documents, as he or she would know best how to go about it.
The solicitor will study your information obtained and will tell you against whom the accident claim should be made, known as the defendant. The defendant could be your employer, a shop owner, a medical practitioner, the car driver etc. In most of cases they are insured and hence their insurance company pays the compensation.

Personal Accident Claim Details
But before seeking help off a solicitor, it always best to keep details of the date, time of the accident and how it happened. If possible get details of the person or the company whom you are making the accident claim against.
Sometimes it may happen that you could be partly blamed for the accident; in such cases the defendant may not accept his liability fully, but partially still pays out. He may also be not willing to pay the amount you are claiming even if he happens to admit his liability.
Upon this occurrence, your dedicated solicitor would be able to advice as to what to do best and negotiate on your behalf if he thinks that it is possible. If the amount is not agreed upon or if the defendant denies the charges then you may have to take the case to court to win if they are adamant.

Accident Claim Costs
To ensure smooth running of accident claims, you would need to collect information from a number of sources and a medical report is just the beginning. It is advisable to make use of a solicitor as you can make a full recovery at home whilst they do the running and chasing around.
Then there is the court fees, which has to be paid. You have to show the expenditure endured by you in any treatments taken, a copy of which has to be sent to the defendant and one to the court. As again a personal injury solicitor can fund your case.
Many people, who have accidents at work, fear that they may lose their job if they make an injury compensation claim against the employer. So, keep in mind that the employer is not allowed to do that and it is their duty to cover the employee's expense for any accidents in a workplace.
The compensation amount you achieve for accident injury will depend on how bad your injuries are and what other losses you have incurred, but only in relation to the accident. If you have fully recovered then your accident claim solicitor will be able to tell you how much you can claim.
However, if you are still suffering, then they will be able to give you guidelines as to how to move your case forward.

Accident claims are easy to proceed with and you can gain maximum results without the hassle, costs and confusion. Discover the 12 revolutions of accident claims at
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Accident Compensation Claims UK By Personal Injury Law Solicitors

To get accident compensation claims accepted in the UK, you should contact your lawyer immediately after the accident. The kinds of accidents you might get involved in include road traffic accidents, hit and run accidents, accidents at work, accidents caused while performing leisure activities, and whilst on holiday abroad. Injuries might include lacerations, fractures, and whiplashes.

You can get accident compensation if you are involved in a road accident as a driver, passenger, cyclist, or pedestrian. The other party's insurance company makes the payment, in hit and run cases and in others where there is no insurance cover.

Employers have a legal obligation to protect workers against accidents at the workplace. Employers also get insurance cover against accidents in the workplace. Your employer can be liable for claims in case a fellow employee causes an accident that leads to injuries. Employers also follow strict rules and regulations to avoid accidents at work.

If you are injured at work, enter a report immediately in the Accident Report Book. The report should be fair and accurate, and should bear your signature. You should report injuries to the Health and Safety Executive and contact a lawyer immediately to investigate the accident.

You could also get injured in accidents while performing leisure activities. If you can prove that the accident was caused due to negligence by someone else or due to the use of faulty equipment, then you can make a claim. However, you can make no claims if you injure yourself as a result of your own actions. You can even make a claim if you get injured while living abroad.

Lawyers involved in the accident compensation claims need to belong to the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) or the Law Society Personal Injury Panel. They should be experts in personal injury law and should be able to describe events in simple language.

You can make a claim if someone else has been at fault and can pay a sum in damages. You need to be 18 years and above to make such a claim. The accident should have occurred within the last three years. You can also make a claim if you have been injured and have had to suffer a loss of earnings temporarily. However, if you have suffered an injury due to your own actions, you may not receive compensation.

The amount of compensation available also depends upon the extent of injuries and a loss of income. In case your claim is accepted, you will receive the full amount of compensation
Accident compensation claims UK by personal injury solicitors for personal injury compensation claims & accident at work claim
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Teen Car Accidents

Car accidents can cause extensive personal injuries and property damage. There are several causes of car accidents, but reckless teenage drivers are a main cause of car accidents.
Many teenagers tend to neglect the safety precautionary measures as soon as they are behind the wheel. Reckless fast driving, unsafe passing techniques, and driving under the influence of alcohol are the most common causes of teenage car accidents.

Teenagers between the age of 15 and 20 years cause most teenage car accidents. Sadly, even minimum precautionary measures such as wearing a seat belt at all times are also neglected. Also, teenagers high on alcohol and drugs are the reason for a large number of accidents. The worst part is that all the others in the car would also sustain severe injuries due to recklessness of the driver.

All states have strict rules regarding drinking and driving in an attempt to reduce the number of teenage car accidents. However, even in places where it has been made illegal to drink and drive, there is a small percentage of rebellious teenage drivers who do not care for themselves or for the lives of others who might be involved in the car accident. In spite of all this, there has been a considerable reduction in the number of teenage car accidents in states who have tightened the security and law relating to drunk driving.
Another cause for more number of teenage car accidents is inexperience of young drivers. Due to a lack of experience, these teenagers are more prone to accidents, especially on highways and other places with considerably more traffic. Backing up in the driveways, parking, and reversing are other difficult driving techniques that often lead to accidents. Most of these kinds of accidents involve property damage more than personal injuries. It is wise for young drivers to practice driving with a responsible adult before driving on their own.

Car Accidents provides detailed information about car accidents, car accident injuries, car accident lawsuits, and more. Car Accidents is affiliated with Drivers Ed Games.
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Factory - Office Accident Work Claims!

Factory workers are prone to accidents as they are exposed to various kinds of threats. They are most often not provided with adequate safety measures. Any victim of factory or office accident can make factory / office accident work claims. It is the duty of every employer to provide adequate safety measures at the workplace. If they fail to do so and meet with an accident, they can get suitable compensation by making a claim. Accidents can occur at the workplace due to the negligence of the employer to adopt safety measure or faulty equipments. As a rule, employers should comply with all the relevant statutory requirements and regulations about safe working practices and safe premises in which to work. If they fail to do so and employees meet with an accident, the victim can make a claim.

There are many people who have benefited from these compensation claims. The employers must ensure that factory floors are clear of slippery substances like grease, which can cause slipping accidents. They should not risk the lives of the employees. Following some simple safety measures can help avoid accidents at the workplace. Giving new factory employees induction training about the safety procedures can help the employers exercise precautions. If accidents still occur, then it is advisable to make a claim. Factory accident claims have helped many people get suitable compensation.

As a part of safety measures, moving parts of machinery should be safely guarded. Employees should be provided with suitable gloves to prevent any injuries. They should also be provided with appropriate overalls in case there is a danger of hot or toxic materials or liquids being scattered or splashed. Factory accident claim policy can provide a victim of an accident with the much need protection against any kind of injures. There is no reason why an accident victim should fear making a claim.

Factory work related accident claims can come to the rescue of such people. It helps such people get compensation quickly. There are various laws and regulations that apply to factories which are designed to make them a safer working place for employees. Unfortunately, accidents still occur despite the best safety measures. Making a claim can at least minimize the losses. Factory accident insurance can help you get the required coverage for any injury suffered at the workplace. An accident victim can make a claim if he or she has suffered an injury due to the mistake of a fellow employee or due to some faulty equipment. One can also get free consultation from accident claims solicitors by looking online.

For more information:
Factory accident claims
Factory work related accident claims
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Car Accident Settlements: How to Start Auto Insurance Claims the Right Way

The simplest way to get more money from your car accident settlements is to begin your insurance claims the right way
The first thing you really should do when starting your auto accident claims with another driver's insurance is....

Watch out for Blame Questions
At the beginning of your accident claims, the insurance company can ask you questions that make you responsible for their insurer's accident.
For example, one of more popular questions given by the insurance companies is: "How could you have avoided the accident?"
If you read it really carefully, you will find that this question assumes that you were the person who was to blame for the auto accident. That the accident may have been averted if you were driving more cautiously.

At the start of your car accident settlements claim, the matter of fault is still undetermined. The insurance company can't possibly know who is accountable for the accident until they look at the auto accident report, get in touch with witnesses, inspect the evidence etc. That takes a lot of time and research.
By asking this question this early in the process, the insurance company is setting you up to take accountability for the accident.
The more blame they can give you, the lower your auto accident claim.
To avoid this trap, simply answer to this question: " I could not have prevented the accident because your driver struck me."

Whether you could have prevented the accident is irrelevant at this time. If the accident was your fault, the evidence will clearly point to it.
But right now, don't presume you're already to blame for the auto accident. Doing this will only hurt you and greatly reduce your odds of getting more money. So always make sure you listen carefully to how the insurance companies phrase their questions to you.
The main thing you are trying to do at this point..

Place emphasis on the Other Driver
Once you tell the insurance company about the accident, stress how the other car driver was involved.
Don't say: "I was in a car crash with your insurer". Say things like:
"Your insurer crashed into me"
"Your insurer slammed my car coming from the back"
"Your insurer crossed the red light and damaged my car."

By shifting the attention on the other driver, you are steering clear of getting blame for the auto accident. This helps improve your chances of getting a higher settlement.
It's important to realize that you should NEVER lie to the insurance companies about your accident. If you do lie, the evidence will clearly expose you and you can face serious charges.
If you start your auto accident settlement the right way, you will increase your chances of getting more money from your insurance claims.
Learn How to Increase Car Accident Claims
Asif L Shaikh offers expert advice on how to deal with car accident claims and personal injury settlements.

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accident experience uphill genting highland

It was a good morning when i decide to ride my superbike to genting highland in my countries. it was the hilly road and there is many corner. It is a best weather so i ride along with my friends.

Then in one of the corner i had slam into a divider and my right side of my bike were broken.
and i had a minor injuries only.all this incident make me strong and i will get back on track to ride my cbr250r.
I`m very statisfied with this bike altough i had an accident 3 times with this bike

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