Special issues arise out of auto accident litigations that often make matters more difficult and complicated. In some cases, potential third parties could come up in a case to account for the injuries incurred by the accident victims. Other times, liability in an accident may fall on the manufacturer for defects found in a vehicle.
With all these things in mind, several issues must also be taken into consideration with the assistance of a professional auto accident lawyer in order to litigate a case thoroughly.
Here are several accident situations that may arise out of an ordinary auto accident case and which could affect the litigation proceedings:
* Hit-and-run accidents - These cases have the driver as the main cause of injuries due to his failure in stopping at the scene of the accident. The hit-and-run victim may encounter some difficulty in identifying or pinpointing the liable driver and therefore brings on a lawsuit.
* Car-Pedestrian accidents - These cases evolves once an automobile collides or hits a pedestrian. Often, the pedestrian victim suffers catastrophic injuries. However, they find it difficult to make claims against the liable driver since the pedestrian's conduct or actions may also be faulty.
* Car-Motorcycle accidents- Collisions between cars and motorcycles usually leave the motorcycle operator with severe injuries. This is the case although the crash may be considered relatively minor if it had been two cars colliding.
Some suggestions imply that motorcycle operators suffer from predisposition by the jury panel. They were usually blamed for causing the collision. This, even if the accident has clear indications and evidences that it was the negligence of the car driver that caused it.
* Car-Bicycle accidents - like the car-motorcycle collisions, the rider is usually left with serious injuries after being hit by a car. Some accidents also happen when car drivers accidentally open their car doors in front of a speeding bicyclist.
The car driver's arguments usually state of not seeing the bicyclist before opening his door or having misjudged the bicycle's speed. On the other hand, some bicyclists also engage in some dangerous activities while on the road. Some of the common violations involve ignoring traffic signals and riding on the wrong side of the road. These actions can lead to possible accidents.
* Accidents involving buses - The sheer mass and size of typical buses make accidents a serious matter that could attract attention. Added to this, bus passengers are most often unrestrained, causing more victims to suffer injuries.
Other car accidents, which involved special issues, also include the following:
* tractor-trailer and semi-truck accidents
* vehicle modifications involving after-market parts
* road debris accidents
Determining who is at fault in most accidents would need sufficient knowledge of local, state and federal accident laws. Apart from these, other related issues and factors may come into play which could alter the outcome of an auto accident case.
Pursuing a claim in auto accidents will require the skills and experience of a lawyer. Because of the complex nature of most accident cases, it is important to get the services of a personal injury lawyer
who specializes in auto accidents cases to help you obtain proper claims for your injuries.
Special Issues in Auto Accident Litigation by Manuel Salvacion
Posted on
Saturday, 12 May 2012