Car Accident Claims - 3 Questions NOT to Answer in an Auto Insurance Settlement

When you are starting your car accident claims, it is important to watch how you speak with the insurance companies.
A lot of people share way too much information in the beginning of the accident claims process. People think that by being open and cooperative with the insurance companies, they will get more money from their auto insurance settlement. Wrong.
When you start an auto accident claim, the insurance company will ask you a series of questions that are designed to lower your settlement.
Here are 3 questions you should watch out for:
1. How could you have avoided this auto accident?
This question is already assuming that you were somehow responsible for the accident. The amount of money you get in car accident claims, depends on how much fault you get for the car crash. The higher your fault, the less money you get from your auto accident claims.
If the insurance company can get you to admit even a small percentage of fault (20%, 30%), then you will have reduced the total amount of money you could have received.
If you are asked this question, simply reply:
"I could not have avoided this auto accident, the other driver crashed into me."
2. Did you have any previous injuries before the accident?
Insurance companies only ask about your previous injuries so that they can attribute your current injuries to past incidents. This makes it appear that your personal injuries were actually an old injury resurfacing. Therefore the insurance company shouldn't pay for your accident injuries.
You should not talk about any previous injuries at the beginning of your car accident claims. Whether your current and past injuries are related is something you can negotiate later.
Avoid answering questions about your injuries by saying:
"I cannot discuss my injuries right now. I will first speak with my doctor and then let you know about my injuries."
3. Please give us the names and addresses of any witnesses?
Car insurance adjusters have been known to independently contact auto accident witnesses. Once the adjuster meets up with your witness, he/she may plant doubts in their mind about how the accident happened. This makes your witness question what they observed and makes them useless in your car accident claims. You have now lost a witness and hurt your chances of getting a high auto accident settlement.
If you are asked about any witnesses, simply say:
"There might be witnesses. I will get back to you once I have had time to gather all the evidence and information about my accident."
The insurance companies are notorious for taking advantage of people. You can get more money from your car accident claims by avoiding simple mistakes.
Learn which common mistakes you should avoid in your car accident settlements
Find out how to get more money from your auto accident settlement
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